Vortex Viper PST 4-16x50 Rifle Scope EBR-1 MRAD PST-416S1-M in La Crosse, Wisconsin For Sale
Price: $699
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
Vortex Optics - The Vortex Viper PST (Precision Shooting Tactical) riflescope boasts features associated with top-tier riflescopes. Matching reticle and turret measurements allow accurate, fast dialing of shots. The Viper PST 4-16x50 series delivers the performance and features tactical shooters demand at an economical price.
Manufacturer: Vortex Optics
Model: PST-416S1-M
Condition: New
Availability: In Stock
Source: http://www.opticauthority.com/vortex-viper-pst-4-16x50-rifle-scope-ebr-1-mrad-pst-416s1-m.aspx