"Verona LX Sporting Clay 12ga Improved Cylinder Ported" in La Crosse, Wisconsin For Sale
Price: $36
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
Trulock SCVLXxxxx5P Verona LX Sporting Clay 12ga Improved Cylinder, Ported
Trulock Verona LX Sporting Clay, Ported 12GA
Sporting Clays (extended stainless choke with knurled head and bright finish)
- Shotgun Gauge: 12 Gauge
- Choke Type Desired: Sporting Clays (extended stainless choke with knurled head and bright finish)
- Constriction Type: Improved Cylinder
- Constriction: 0.010
- Exit Diameter: 0.715 "Price: $36.56
Source: http://www.sportsmanstooloutfitters.com/verona-lx-sporting-clay-12ga-improved-cylinder-ported.html