Picatinny Rail Blue in La Crosse, Wisconsin For Sale
Price: $25
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
Mossberg xxxx7 Picatinny Rail Blue
Mossberg Piccatinny Rail Blue
This Picatinny Rail provides for the secure attachment of rings, optics or accessories to your favorite Mossberg shotgun. Rail accommodates all Weaver-style attachments. For use with the following drilled and tapped models: Mossberg 500, 505 Youth, 535 ATS, 590, 835 Ulti-Mag, 930 and 935 Magnum.
Install onto the receiver using the screws and wrench provided. "Price: $25.91
Source: http://www.sportsmanstooloutfitters.com/picatinny-rail-blue.html