Doubletap DT009011 DoubleTap Pistol 9mm in La Crosse, Wisconsin For Sale
Price: $503
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
9mm Double Tap Features: - Aluminum Frame - Two rounds in the chamber and integral grips house an additional two spare rounds - Slim, no-snag hammerless design for easy pocket carry - Thumb latch auto ejects spent rounds - 7 Patents pending including double-action trigger system - xxxx Ergonomics and loaded rounds are visible - Quick change - interchangable barrels Specifications: - Caliber: 9mm - Width: .665" - Length: 5.5" - Height: 3.9" - Barrel: 3.0" - Frame: Aluminum - Black - PortedMisc: Black Aluminum, Ported
Manufacturer: Doubletap
Model: DTxxxx11
Condition: New
Price: $503.98
Availability: In Stock