Baby Miniature Piglets - Wheeeee! in La Crosse, Wisconsin For Sale
Price: $300
Type: Animals,
For Sale
- Private.
SOOO CUTE! Baby teacup piglets. 4 Males & 1 Female, pinkies (pink skin and white bristles), and 1 black and tan. Shipping is by air cargo within the continental U.S. at additional cost or pick up in person. Expected mature weight: 30-45 lbs, height: 12-14" hoof to shoulder. Teacup Potbellies are small, intelligent, clean and devoted, an excellent indoor or outdoor small family pet. Piglets are potty trained and lovingly, in-home socialized before shipping. Pricing starts at $300 and depends on color and size of piglet. Contact 850.348.xxxx.